Sunday, May 15, 2011

Just about my day

Had to attend a tutorial today on Paediatric Resus. Yep on a Saturday:( Anyway glad I attended - it's pretty important stuff!  I was so annoyed though, coz it was scheduled to start at 8am but from the 30 interns who were supposed to attend, there were only 12 and so they waited until 8:40 just in case the others were late!

We got to practice inserting an intra-osseous line on a chicken drumstick - real cool :)


SS said...

Whats that intra osseous ?

Sabeehah said...

@SS Oops sorry should have explained myself (I guess that what comes frm posting after midnight!)
It's a means of gaining intravenous access in a patient who desperately needs resus fluids/bloods/meds but you cant use their veins - so this way you insert a needle into their bone.